Friday, August 30, 2013

Temple Friday

 Fellow Irish Fans:

 One Day More:

Except our road is not neverending, and does not end at Calvary.  Rather,

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It is 2,596 miles long, and ends in Pasadena, California. And tomorrow, we take our first step on that road.

 One Day More.

One single day separates us from the start of the football season.

This man needs no introduction.
Lou Nix III has taken command of the #1 jersey for this, his senior season.  He will bring years of experience to his role as unholy terror to opposing quarterbacks.  His target this week will be Mr. Connor Reilly, making his first career start against a D-Line featuring two pre-season All-Americans.

One Day More.

One more day of this horrendous 2013 off-season.  An offseason that began with an annihilation by Alabama:

Dammit, Motta.  Why did you pick that ONE GAME to have
a scrofulous performance?
Followed by the Lennae Kekua fiasco:

Expect to get a lot of Lennae Kekua jokes this season.  Do me a favor:
if you see or hear a particularly good one, send it in.  We can have a vote
on which opposing fan made the cleverest joke about the situation
before the Irish butchered his team like a stuck pig.
Followed by Mark Wahleberg's doppelganger stealing one of our top recruits for UCLA:

Watching the Bears beat the snot out of one of his Falcons teams
in 9 F weather was one of my favorite games of all time. 
Followed by the news linebacker Danny Spond will no longer be able to play football:

Followed by top RB recruit Elijah Hood, who earlier this summer flushed Nick Saban's recruiting letters down the toilet, defecting to the scandal-plagued University of North Carolina.  

I'm mad after typing all this up:  
Approximation of the author's mood

And I imagine you are too.  Alas, we cannot go out and start clobbering Temple players or fans all willy-nilly. Fortunately, the Irish football team can, and likely will, clobber the everloving snot out of Temple tomorrow to


 1) make up for the offseason of nightmares and 2) take the first step on what I hope may be a season even more full of victories than last year.  

And while yes, we ended last season on a loud and terrible low note, that was the 2012 season.  Tomorrow we begin the 2013 season.  And as I said to open last season's emails, that's a very important thing:

"In the 1970s, I worked for a Greek smuggler named Janos.  He was a bizarre man, with a shiny gold tooth in the middle of his mouth and a neck he said was too short to deserve washing.  He spent years working, night runs a specialty, to make enough money to buy his own ship.  Finally, he had the money he needed, and the ship was due in the next day.  That night, he had a party, with more food and drink than I had ever seen in my life.  'Drink up, Xenos!' he said, filling my glass for the umpteenth time.  'Tonight we are paupers but tomorrow we are kings!'We all went to the harbor to see the ship come in; a big, black freighter.  And as it made its final turn toward the harbor, an explosion ripped through the engine room.  She broke apart and sank a few hundred yards offshore.  We were dumbfounded.  And then we heard laughter.  Big, booming laughter.  It was Janos, laughing at the top of his lungs.  It was the craziest thing I'd ever seen.  I couldn't believe my mind.
'Janos, why are you laughing?'
'Don't you see?' he said.  'There's nothing to tie us down now.  Nothing at all.  Everything is new again!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's one day more to a new season.  Let's make the most of it.

Go Irish, Beat Owls.  

Backer Song of the Day:

No, this isn't cheating.  Cause it's my blog, and I make the damn rules. 

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