Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Temple Wednesday

Ladies.  Gentlemen.  Boys.  Girls.  Zahm residents.

Three days left.

Three perfect days without Notre Dame football?
There is no such thing.  

But still, let's make the most of the three days left between us and football.  Practice drinking skills for tailgating.  Stock up on suncreen.  Tell friends you have Temple this Saturday and bask in their confusion.  And take a look at the great players to have worn #3 for the Irish over the years:

Ron Powlus, who alas did not win two Heisman Trophies
despite Beano Cook's prediction.

Darius Walker, who came out of nowhere as a freshman
to lead us to victory over hated Michigan in 2004.

Michael Floyd, seen here working on the career record
for touchdowns at Notre Dame

Twenty-eight of them can be seen below

And of course, the third string quarterback on the 1977 Irish squad.  At least, he was third string on opening day.  Then the starter, Rusty Lisch, was injured in game three against Purdue.  In came backup Gary Forystek, who immediately shattered his clavicle and suffered a concussion.  Thus, in came a third string QB wearing #3:

Yes, Joe Montana started 1977 as a third string quarterback
and ended it by winning a National Championship
Now, at this point you've likely noticed that there's been all this talk of football, but no talk of Temple, and its famous alumni.  Well, that's my fault.  Mea culpa.  Temple has lots of famous alumni, like Bill Cosby

And . . . Bill Cosby

And . . . um . . . Bill Cosby

Yeah, I got nothing.
So, get your pudding pops ready for visiting Temple fans.  Not that I expect that many.  See, many of you loyal readers were at the Blue & Gold game.  30,000 or so Irish fans came to the stadium to watch an intrasquad matchup.  Meanwhile, just look at the crowds for Temple's spring game!

Look at all those fans!  I can hear their rallying cry now:

Temple fan Tobias Funke admonishes those who doubt the size of Temple's fanbase

But still, Temple fans, unlike El Dorado, do exist.  And some of them will journey to South Bend.  But journeys from Philadelphia to South Bend are expensive.  Heck, it costs $53.10 just to drive the turnpike from Philly to the Ohio border.  How on earth will Temple students be able to afford such a trip?  

You'll have your answer tomorrow.  In the meantime, enjoy this Backer song of the day: 

Walking on Broken Glass: a sad reality at Temple's practice facility.

1 comment:

  1. Great backer song of the day. A clinic on how to properly dance to this classic will be hosted at the backer on September 27th.
