Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Picksburg Wendsy

after Saturday, I'm still Victory Dancin':


But now, more Picksburg:

Alls right, alls of you, it's only four days until da picksburg game n'at. Time to git prepared n'at. Now, if yer goin ta picksburg tahn, it means a couple of tings n'at. First, it means that da bars will be overrun wit a large number of people from Al cahny county wearing Pitt gear. Some ovum will have "Yinzer" tattooed on their necks (I swear ahz not making this up). They will request "Sweet Caroline" several times both Frydy and Sadurdy evening. hauscome, I have no idea n'at. 

   Second, it means we've reached cole weather games n'at. derefore, it's time to go aht and git yinzes cole weather gear, such as long pants. I will be deploying my favorite gameday long pants fer Sadurdy's game, annay are a sight to behold. As fer da rest of you, I suggest yinz go aht and buy some if yer goin to da burg. Now, while some of yinz may prefer da Gap, and others Abercrombie, or perhaps Nordstrom or Sears, fer da picksburg game, da best place to go is Pants N'at. jest listen to their ad here:

annair new slogan, which was da winning entry in da attached contest:

More on picksburg, it's football team, and notable alumni, later in da week n'at. Prepare fer an appearance by da Blind Oracle of Bristol n'at.

-Andy Mathews

P.S.  If anyone requires a translation back to English, please let me know. 

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