Monday, September 9, 2013

Michigan Retrospective


We lost.  Despite the heroics of Mr. Tuitt

Behold: the single dumbest play I have seen in all my years
of watching football.
we lost.  In front of 115,000 people.  And no one knows how long it will be until Notre Dame returns to Michigan Stadium to give them a thumping.  It may be eight years, or ten, or twenty.

Meanwhile, the dream of a 2013 National Championship, while not completely dead, is mostly dead.  This means we all have a decision to make.  The blog's name, as you've noticed, is 'hibernici contra mundum', translated to 'The Irish Against the World'.  And on Saturday the world dealt us a swift kick to the groin.  We can do what the world wants and knuckle under:

But we didn't get here by knuckling under.  Not when the school almost closed during the Second World War, not when the Klan showed up to march through South Bend, and not when over 80% of the school burned down in the 1870s. 

Screw the world.  Let's fight back.  And let's start by feeding Purdue through a woodchipper. 

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